by Ray Jason
The annual Word Tsunami is cresting. It is just about to plunge down upon us. Year end reviews - bold predictions - and barely-attainable resolutions, sweep over us from many directions.
Mindful of this flood of opinions and exhortations, I sought a calm haven. For days, I barely left my little sailing ship. I was seeking a way to communicate some serenity to offset the frenzy of ideas and idiocies.
Eventually, I realized that a message that might help us better navigate the troubled waters of 2025 has been staring at me for over 11 years.
When I began my Sea Gypsy Philosopher blog in 2013, a mermaid muse challenged me to condense my worldview into as few words as possible. After about a week of contemplation and refinement, I reduced it down to SIX WORDS.
She liked them a lot, and suggested that I include that tiny message as a permanent fixture on my web-page. There they have rested for 180 essays. Hopefully, many people have found solace and inspiration in them.
Help many -
Harm none -
Be amazed!
Very few people believe that 2025 is going to be an ordinary year. Almost everyone senses on a subconscious, and almost visceral level that monumental changes are churning and manifesting.
An empire is staggering - wars are widening - currencies are de-basing. Impeccably-dressed madmen lust after world domination. Certainly, that is a nightmare that has thundered through history many times before. But previous tyrants did not possess the technology of domination that is available to today’s Malignant Overlords.
Tumultuous events probably await us in the coming year. So, I suggest that in order to help maintain some emotional and spiritual balance, you filter your perspective through those Six Helpful Words.
Help many
Probably less than one in a million normal people have any chance of ever impacting geo-political or macro-economic events. But a million out of a million of us can resist the horrific totalitarian agenda that our self-appointed rulers wish to impose upon us. When we stand as one and refuse their chains, there are not enough FEMA CAMPS to hold us.
If many of us help many more of us to recognize this, then their ring of power can be shattered. We can defy their vaccine mandates, their Central Bank Digital Currencies, their wet dreams of melding Man with Machine and their Universal Basic Income.
Help a few in your circle of friends to find alternative sources of information. Help a few more by listening sympathetically when they confess that they sense that something has gone terribly wrong. And before long you won’t have helped a few – you will have HELPED MANY!
Harm none
It is easy to understand that our personal interactions with those around us should not harm them. But in the wider world it is beneficial to view the actions of those in power through this filter of accountability. Do their decisions and policies HARM PEOPLE?
For example, opening the border to the least productive people from dozens of countries has enormous harmful consequences. The new arrivals do not share the value system and even the language of the native population. They are a huge burden on the Social Services infrastructure, they over-saturate the job market and they increase local crime rates.
Even more dramatically, look at the wars currently underway. The talking heads will exclaim that they are “defending Freedom” or “supporting allies,” but what they are actually doing is imposing the ultimate harm of death and dismemberment on millions of innocent people.
So be vigilant and carefully examine the actions of the powers that shouldn’t be. Is their latest plan actually helpful or harmful?
Be amazed
Certainly, there is a high possibility of difficult days ahead. And undoubtedly there is a low probability of our being able to influence such events. BUT, we can control our RESPONSE to those developments. At least in our immediate circle of family and friends.
Those who wish to rule and enslave us want us to feel miserable and overwhelmed and depressed and hopeless. They want us desperate and dependent, so that we will come begging them for help. But as we reach out to accept their assistance, we will hear the clang of the cell door as it closes behind us.
To avoid that grim Fate, I suggest that we turn off our TVs and Addicto-phones. Instead, we should focus on those elemental and eternal small joys that are all around us – a glorious sunset – a full moon rising – and the laughter of children.
Now, with the dawn of 2025 here, I share with you the greeting that we sailors often use with each other:
"Fair winds and following seas!”
And to my unknown readers out there, I send you my own personal message for this New Beginning:
Help many -
Harm none -
Be amazed!