Wednesday, July 31, 2024


by Ray Jason


White People are under attack in the West. This is not accidental. This is deliberate.

In Europe the migration flood gates were opened in 2015. The “leaders” who allowed this and the NGOs who supported it, proclaimed a new dawn of Multicultural Enrichment. Instead, it has brought rape gangs, no-go zones and acid attacks.

In the United States, the immigration zealots claim that “Diversity is our strength.” But an honest observer would recognize that Diversity has led to exploding crime rates, drive-by shootings and gang wars.

Yet, who gets blamed for much of this mayhem and lunacy? The people who are committing these horrible acts? No, the White People. We are at fault for our supposed White Privilege and our Patriarchy.

What is conveniently overlooked when we are indicted for the crime of being White, are our contributions to Civilization. Who built the cathedrals? Who painted the masterpieces? Who composed the symphonies?

Why is this happening? Why are we being so widely demonized. I contend that there are three main reasons. They are Cultural Jealousy, Pathological Altruism and World Domination.

Cultural Jealousy

There is an enormous difference between the myth of Wakanda and the reality of Venice. The finest African drum pales before a Stradivarius violin. A water buffalo pulling a plow is no match for a diesel-powered Dutch tractor.

So, it is natural for some people to be envious of an advanced society. Using legal immigration methods many such dreamers have relocated to countries that offered greater opportunities. They are not the problem. It is the millions who are streaming into Europe and America ILLEGALLY. And they are aided and abetted by ...

Pathological Altruism

Well-intentioned but misguided people, believe that Equity is achievable. They lose sight of the fact that we live in an imperfect world where “results may vary.” They do not understand that Equality of Opportunity is attainable, but Equality of Outcome is not. Their “lifting all boats” mindset, ends up drowning more people than they help.

They mistakenly assume that someone from Somalia, who is uneducated, who can’t speak the language and who has no job skills, can somehow be swiftly and miraculously transformed into an Englishman.

Furthermore, the do-gooders, in their virtue-signaling rush “to help,” fail to see how their beloved immigrants will tear apart the social fabric and strain the societal safety nets. How can hard-working people, who are barely getting by, not be angered by the sight of what they perceive of as “invaders,” being housed in fancy hotels?

Adding to this tragedy, is the fact that these misguided Utopians are being used by those above them who are seeking …

World Domination

One of the great gifts that the Internet has bequeathed us, is the awareness that powerful groups, hiding behind the global curtain, are trying to gain control over Humanity (and EARTH.)

Their goal is a three-tiered society with themselves as the tiny elite living in obscene opulence and degeneracy. Think Hunger Games. Below them will be a small administrative and security group. They will be assisted by robots and AI.

At the bottom will be the new serf class. We will be confined to 15 minute cities, where we will be monitored 24/7, do menial work and live on insect goo spiced with Soylent Sauce. Also, our numbers will be greatly reduced by “various methods.”

With such a sickly future vision in mind, the last thing these Malignant Overlords need is a race of people skilled at critical thinking and unwilling to live on a Techno-Plantation.

So they decided to replace these free thinkers and builders with people who are dependent on them and who will not rebel against their servitude.

They blatantly articulated this strategy almost a century ago in their Kalergi Plan. It called for mass immigration to dilute the White Race into a mongrel - and this is Count Kalergi’s exact phrase - “Eurasian Negroid” race.

So, with the power nodes of Western Civilization arrayed against us, what are White People to do?  Statues of our heroes are toppled, we are supposed to accept White Guilt and Merit has been suffocated by Affirmative Action.

Voting harder will not resolve this. And trying to establish segregated communities, could very well lead to Waco-level results. But I have an idea … and I am pretty sure that very few of you have ever considered this.

The Sea Gypsy Solution

At this very moment, all around the world, there are tens of thousands of people living full-time on sailboats. These are go-anywhere, ocean-ready boats. Many of these people are no longer in their home countries.

And almost all of them are White.

They got fed up with how they were being mistreated in the so-called Real World, and sailed away from the abuse. In this regard, I know of what I speak. My sailboat has been my home since 1992. During that time, I have sailed over 30,000 miles single-handed and probably spent a total of one year living in the U.S.

Now, I am not saying that every cruising sailor out here, is motivated by the desire to escape the Anti-white Tsunami. But many are. Most are low-key about it. They are quietly home schooling their kids and enjoying the camaraderie of a genuine kinship group. They combine their love of sailing with their admiration for their own people.

Here is some additional good news. For the most part, these are NOT rich people. The price of a fully equipped, any-ocean sailboat is far less than an average house in America or Europe.

As for income, almost any job that can be done online from home can also be done from a boat. And Starlink has made this far, far easier and more reliable.

Plus, in-person work is very possible along the way. Right now there are at least 200 ocean-worthy sailboats within 5 miles of me. Many of them have skills that are valuable anywhere. Sometimes one has to work outside-the-lines, but we have many cruisers here doing just that.

Finally, living and wandering on a sailing boat is very special – oftentimes, even magical. You are literally immersed in Nature. This means that sometimes you get to experience the ferocity of Mother Ocean in an up-close-and-personal manner. This requires courage. And that is extremely rare in a world that prefers coddling over building character.

Ahhh, the Sea Gypsy Life for me.
