Wednesday, July 31, 2024


by Ray Jason


White People are under attack in the West. This is not accidental. This is deliberate.

In Europe the migration flood gates were opened in 2015. The “leaders” who allowed this and the NGOs who supported it, proclaimed a new dawn of Multicultural Enrichment. Instead, it has brought rape gangs, no-go zones and acid attacks.

In the United States, the immigration zealots claim that “Diversity is our strength.” But an honest observer would recognize that Diversity has led to exploding crime rates, drive-by shootings and gang wars.

Yet, who gets blamed for much of this mayhem and lunacy? The people who are committing these horrible acts? No, the White People. We are at fault for our supposed White Privilege and our Patriarchy.

What is conveniently overlooked when we are indicted for the crime of being White, are our contributions to Civilization. Who built the cathedrals? Who painted the masterpieces? Who composed the symphonies?
