Sunday, June 30, 2024


by Ray Jason


When I weary of researching and discussing too many heavy topics with my readers, I retreat, with my good ship AVENTURA, to a nearby beach where I can find distraction and sometimes solace. On rare occasions, I can even find inspiration.

This lovely spot has a split personality. At ten a.m. the boats from town arrive and unload their enthusiastic tourists who are delighted by the prospect of a carefree day of languishing in the luscious and soothing Caribbean water. By five p.m. they have all been shuttled back to town, and I have the beach and the bay to myself.

The first thing to arrive each day is the panga towing the bright yellow, Banana Boat. It is also the last “vessel” to leave. This week it suddenly occurred to me that these inflatable container ships, with their cargo of laughter and thrills, have actually taught me some Life Lessons.
