Friday, June 5, 2020


by Ray Jason

       For nearly a decade I have tried to convince friends and strangers that my Sea Gypsy Tribe concept is an excellent strategy for dealing with possible societal catastrophes. Unfortunately, my attempts have been mostly ignored.
       But now, with the global repercussions from the Wuhan Virus; and the riots and bedlam in the USA dominating our daily lives, it is a good time to renew my efforts. I also like the symbolic value of doing so in 2020, since 20/20 vision signifies clarity.
      One of the criticisms directed towards writers like myself, is that we point out problems, but never advance solutions. This is definitely untrue in my case. For years and years, I have written essays that offer a genuine and specific strategy for dealing with looming disasters.
      These suggestions have not been vague, unicorn dreams. Instead, they have been achievable proposals, presented with considerable detail. They also have been tested and re-evaluated through the years. Here is my foundational concept.
      I believe that an ocean-ready sailboat is the best escape platform for any type of disaster.

       They are the ultimate self-sufficiency vessel. They are remarkably affordable, when compared to a house. And because our misnamed planet is 70% water, they can take you to a lot of hiding places. Here is a short summary of how self-reliant these sailing homes are.

       Wind generators and solar panels have been used reliably aboard sailing boats for decades. If either of these are insufficient for a brief period, the ship’s diesel engine can supply plenty of vital electricity. Reverse osmosis water-makers provide more than enough fresh water. And the cheaper alternative of catching rainwater, has served me admirably for over 30 years.
       It is easy to stock up on grocery store non-perishable foods to provide carbs. For protein, I can access about 6 different varieties of canned meats. My pantry also has jumbo cans of freeze-dried, “just add boiling water” meals that will stay fresh for decades.
       I could literally sail away today and eat pleasantly for many months without re-provisioning. Plus, these store-bought foods can be supplemented with the delicious bounty of the sea and the shore.
       Short range communication is achieved with VHF radios that have about a 15 mile range. More importantly, SSB and HAM units can broadcast and receive world-wide. And they are usually the last form of comms to go down, since they do not rely on the Grid or on satellites.
       Speaking of signals from the sky, GPS units provide extraordinarily accurate navigation. If this system is disabled, (perhaps by an EMP attack) then one can fall back on the old skills that got Captain Cook around the world a few times. There are a few excellent self-teaching books for celestial navigation. I remain quite skilled with my sextant, and it is not that tough to master.
       The creature comforts on a modern, affordable sailboat are quite plush. They have small but efficient galleys, decent showers and pleasant entertainment-at- sea options.
       Most sailors have a library of movies on DVD, plenty of music and old-fashioned board games. These are still enjoyed among blue-water sailors. And to top it all off, there is the exquisite joy of living a natural, authentic and free life. Viewing the dazzling canopy of stars, from the deck of your sailing home, while being powered by the wind, is my idea of ecstasy.


       Now that I have described the amazing survival advantages of ocean-going sailboats, let me discuss their tactical value. Those of us who argue that our planet’s systems are dangerously interconnected and fragile, are often ridiculed as “kooks that see danger around every corner.”
       But the recent pandemic and the ongoing race riots, have proven that conditions can deteriorate swiftly and violently. And just imagine how much more chaotic the situation would become if the Grid was down or there were food shortages or if the EBT cards were not working.
       History shows that when people are faced with the choice between starvation and marauding, they maraud. And so, even though I enthusiastically applaud preppers who have the foresight to plan ahead, I fear that they lack an enormous advantage that the Sea Gypsy Tribes possess - THE ABILITY TO FLEE. How many survivalists, who have been watching the mobs rampage through the cities, are now doubting their ability to protect their family and property?
      Allow me to describe the approach that a sea gypsy would take in responding to the virus and the rioting. The mortality rate of the WuFlu, has been significantly less than initially predicted and feared. Had it been worse, I would have just sailed 25 miles out to sea and monitored the situation via radio. I am equipped to survive comfortably there for many months. This is the ultimate form of quarantine. Then, when the threat had passed, I would return to shore.
       If rioting arrived in my vicinity I would employ the same strategy – FLEE TO THE SEA! When things stabilized, I would return to shore, re-provision and decide what to do next.
       This “escape and then return” option works fine for an individual, a couple or a family. But when the situation becomes more dangerous, being part of a tribe of like-minded sailors would be preferable. Here is a simple guide to getting one started.


       At this very moment there are tens of thousands of live-aboard cruisers scattered all around the planet. They are happily living on their boats in marinas or at anchor.
       If you are one of these, and if you also worry about the possibility of societal catastrophe, you should band together with other like-minded sailors. It is easy enough to distinguish between those who think that “everything is just fine” and those who sense that the world is “teetering on the edge of calamity.”
       My conviction is that a fleet of between 6 and 10 boats is the ideal tribe size. Less does not improve one’s survival potential, and more makes the flotilla less manageable and more detectable.
       The little ships must all be very seaworthy given the “weakest link” vulnerability issues. The crews must be alert, intelligent, easy-going and skilled. That last attribute does not just apply to sailing skill, but to other valuable abilities. Doctors, nurses, diesel mechanics, celestial navigators, electronic techs and combat vets would be valued in any tribe.
       Selection should be slanted towards younger cruisers, but senior sailors who have stayed in good physical shape would be welcomed. Families with kids are the apex unit for the tribe, just in case the civilizational breakdown is truly severe.
       Organize practice sails where you all head for a nearby anchorage and then spend a few days discussing preparations and tactics. The baseline position is to have your tanks topped off at all times. This means water, propane, diesel and gasoline.
       Your non-perishable food supply should always remain full and when an emergency arrives all that is required is purchasing perishable foods and final top-offs of water and diesel.
       Establish an offshore rendezvous position with latitude and longitude co-ordinates. You do not want to depart as a group, but individually. Do not call attention to yourselves with your preparations.
       Finally, give your tribe a name. The format that I created, combines the name of a famous human sailor with the name of an ocean animal. Mine is called The Slocum/Pelican Tribe. Design yourselves a small flag if you are so inclined. This is a nice project for the kids.
      If you strangers out there have a sincere desire to form a Sea Gypsy Tribe, feel free to email me at: I will do my best to assist you.
      Also, there are 7 or 8 other essays on this topic scattered through my blog. My thinking has evolved since first proposing this concept, and that’s why I am doing this 2020 update. But most of that content is still totally relevant. Here is a link to one of my best “how to” articles, that should prove to be very helpful.

       Good luck out there! May our tribes one day meet!!!
