Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 by Ray Jason


For more than a decade I have been promoting a concept that I call The Sea Gypsy Tribe. The idea is that Humanity is living in an increasingly chaotic world with the possibility of extreme catastrophes looming just beyond the stormy horizon.

I firmly believe that the best way to escape from any type of emergency, is in a well-prepared, ocean-capable sailboat, along with a small group of like-minded sailors in their boats. During the last 10 years at my blog, in about a dozen essays, I have carefully described various disasters and then explained how sailing vessels can effectively respond to them.

My sincere hope is that none of us ever have to deal with such extreme situations. It would be terrific if none of us ever had to react to a currency collapse or a cyber attack or a balloon armed with an EMP! But a wise, old mariner once advised me to “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!”

Since I receive inquiries from cruisers all around the world, I decided to collate together the many reasons that I believe the sea gypsy life is ideal in shielding one from natural or human-caused disasters.

Therefore, I am creating this Sea Gypsy Tribe Encyclopedia. It will be spread out across a few essays. Initially, I will randomly choose the topics for discussion, but eventually, they will all be alphabetized like an encyclopedia. But don’t be alarmed – it will not be some massive tome. Instead, it will be a longish essay divided into a few segments. Let’s begin!




The dangerously interconnected global financial system has been barely remaining afloat for several years. Most honest analysts agree that the debt in the sector is so massive that it can never be repaid.

All it will take is for a few major banks to falter, which will lead to cascading bank runs. This will expose the reality that the fractional reserve banking system does not hold sufficient assets to meet the demands of its customers.

Suddenly, it will be impossible to withdraw money from your account. Then credit cards will be de-activated, and ATMs will be shut down. In a worst case scenario, hyper-inflation would crush purchasing power, crash the stock market and destroy retirement accounts.

Another devastating possibility is that the U.S. Dollar would lose its status as the world’s reserve currency. There are many nations that are fed up with the unfair financial advantage that the Dollar currently enjoys. These countries would love to see both the Dollar and the Petro-dollar crash and burn.

Obviously, this would crater the U.S. economy, but because the global financial web is so inter-twined, it would wreak havoc everywhere. Our World of Comfort would swiftly become a World of Chaos.


The Sea Gypsy Tribes have prepared for all of this turmoil. They do not hold much money in banks, but they always keep an emergency stash of cash onboard in small denomination bills. Plus, they have steadily converted their risky fiat currency into tangible assets such as long-life foods, medicines, tools, spare parts, and ammunition. Many in the tribes have also acquired silver as well as an assortment of items that can be used for barter.

If the situation ashore deteriorates into pandemonium and violence, the sea gypsies will quietly sail offshore and safely avoid the marauders. They will leave secretly and separately and rendezvous at a previously designated lat/long way-point.

At sea, they can monitor the situation using their short wave radios. Depending on how events unfold, they can sail together out of harm’s way relying on the food that they stored aboard for such contingencies. Or, they can locate to an uninhabited island or an empty stretch of coastline. My personal tribe has scouted out some excellent possibilities less than a day’s sail from where I am writing this.



There are at least three ways that the electrical grid can be severely damaged or destroyed. The first is via a cyber-attack. Klaus Schwab, the Exalted Potentate of the World Economic Forum, has frequently warned that cyber-terrorists could take down the power grid and the internet. He almost joyously proclaims that such a disruption would make the Covid shutdown seem like a minor nuisance. Since he is pretty high up in the chain of command of the Malignant Overlords, and has inside info, his prediction deserves our attention.

The second threat was highlighted by the recent Waltz of the Great White Balloon across the USA. Many commentators remarked that it could have easily been carrying an Electro-Magnetic-Pulse weapon. Had such a device been detonated, it would have instantly vaporized a couple of centuries of technological advancement.

The third concern for the safety of the Grid is not human induced, but Cosmic. Geomagnetic storms are a little known danger to the electrical infrastructure that powers so much of our modern world. The last significant disaster of this type was the 1859 Carrington Event. It shut down the telegraph system worldwide, which was the equivalent of the internet in the 19th century. It so disrupted the planet’s magnetic field that the Northern Lights were visible near the Equator whereas they are only normally seen near the Arctic Circle.


The sailing boats of the Sea Gypsy Tribes are ideally suited for a grid down catastrophe. At sea, they are obviously not connected to the power matrix. But even in mid-ocean, our electrical needs are easily supplied by onboard solar panels and highly efficient wind generators.

These renewable energy sources provide all the amps necessary for lights, radios, computers, phones, autopilots, GPS, refrigeration, pumps, fans, etc. Solar and wind are perfect for sailing vessels, but despite what the Greens claim, they do not “scale up” efficiently for large metropolitan areas. That pipe-dream is about as realistic as powering Manhattan on unicorn farts.

In any emergency severe enough for my Sea Gypsy Tribe to put to sea, we would be extremely conservative in using our diesel fuel. We would only run our diesel engines as a back-up means of producing electricity during those rare times when the sun and wind are not sufficient.



Most of my suggestions for the Sea Gypsy Tribes are reactive – they provide advice on how to respond to a particular event. But there is great wisdom in using this ocean vagabond style of living in a pro-active fashion as well.

I contend that raising a family on a cruising sailboat, while meandering around to interesting and beautiful locations, is the perfect alternative to subjecting one’s children to the lunacy and degeneracy of the modern world.

And for solo sailors or cruising couples, the sea gypsy life reconnects them to a world that they still recall from their lived experience. They vividly remember an era that was simpler, sweeter and saner. The cruising life almost magically allows them to experience that anew.


In the sea gypsy world, parents do not have to worry about kindergarten teachers sexualizing their children or inviting drag queens into the classroom. Instead, they home-school their kids. This insures that they will be educated and not indoctrinated.

The youngsters are also spared the Helicopter Parent Syndrome, whereby they are shielded from even the slightest risk or discomfort. Daily life is decidedly tougher and more dangerous on a small sailing ship. But the rewards, both in unique experience and in character-building, are extraordinary.

For adults, choosing the sailing life is an authentic act of rebellion. It provides them the joy of turning their back on a culture that claims that men can give birth, that all white people are evil, and that uncontrolled, illegal immigration is a blessing for a society.

It also allows the captain and crew to embrace personal responsibility and self-reliance. The Sea will not pamper you. It will test you. But passing that exam provides rewards that the Landsman never experiences.



I wrote the Financial Collapse section of this essay about 3 days before the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. Floating aboard AVENTURA, down here south of many borders, I can’t help but observe the swiftness with which that bank was bailed out. I’ll wager that it might have something to do with the fact that most of the depositors there were rich Venture Capitalists who were heavy donors to the Democratic Party.

Sadly, I suspect that if there was an East Palestine Savings and Loan, whose depositors were welders, grocery clerks and beauticians, the government would not have swiftly come to their aid.  In fact, they probably would NEVER come to their aid.

The next installment of my SEA GYPSY TRIBE ENCYCLOPEDIA will be posted in a few days. Possible topics include:

C Central Bank Digital Currencies

A Anti-White Demonization

N Nuclear Insanity