Tuesday, December 6, 2022


by Ray Jason


When The Darkness shrouds my spirit, I sail off to Long View Bay. I anchor behind a massive reef that hides itself below the surface and silently tames the waves. Because there is a vast expanse of shimmering water surrounding me, it feels like I am floating in the open sea. And yet it is completely calm. This tranquility soothes my soul. This long view sharpens my perception.

There is also powerful symbolism in this place. The dominant feature of our planet is its … wetness. This is what distinguishes us from the innumerable dry and lifeless stars gliding above us. Our Wide Waters are elemental. And so I have come here to ponder things that are … fundamental.

My belief is that the incessant Cacophony of Lunacy that the media bombards us with, is minor compared to the deeper issues that allow this societal dysfunction to occur. Stolen elections, fake pandemics and phony wars to “save democracy,” cannot be solved by elections or laws. That’s because most of the human actions that are evil, are actually caused by the deliberate, incremental destruction of humanity’s moral character.

Core values such as Honesty, Diligence, Fortitude, Kindness and Integrity, that used to define a person’s true worth, have been jettisoned in favor of expedient traits that might provide tawdry fame and tarnished fortune. It is all about “likes” and “clicks” and “re-tweets.” But here at Long View Bay, it is all about the need to restore long-abandoned virtues.


Let’s begin with Courage. I am bewildered by how anyone can still believe the Covid Narrative. After all, genuine pandemics do not have survival rates of over 99%. During real outbreaks of contagious disease, only the sick people are locked down – not the entire population. With all prior vaccines, if even a few people died from its side effects, the vaxx would be discontinued. So, why do so many people still listen to Fauci the Deceiver?

Perhaps it is due to normalcy bias. For the majority of most people’s lives, they have respected and trusted doctors and health officials. So it is hard for them to suddenly learn that these authorities could be corrupt at best … and evil at worst.

Or maybe it is what I call decency bias. Because most people are honest and honorable, they have a hard time recognizing that a small subset of Humanity is vile and ego-maniacal. I scornfully refer to them as our Malignant Overlords. These pathological control freaks do not perceive everyday people as decent. Instead, they view them as deplorable … or perhaps even despicable.

Next, there are those who have been hopelessly brainwashed. Our educational system, that used to promote independent thought, now favors Groupthink and the censoring of non-conformist opinions. Plus, the Mainstream Media and the gigantic tech platforms ruthlessly enforce adherence to The Approved Narrative. Stray outside the acceptable lane, and you will find yourself in a dangerous or even deadly ditch.

But what is most disturbing to me when observing how humanity responded to the Covid psyop, is the fact that billions went along with it even though they knew that it was completely fraudulent. These people were not handicapped by normalcy bias or decency bias or brainwashing. They suffered from something far more significant … cowardice.

Given the character-building opportunity to have the courage of their convictions, they instead chose to “go along to get along.” Rather than standing tall as a hero, they bent over and hid themselves in the bleating herd. They surrendered to their “Inner Coward.” How tragic … how sad.



Another significant virtue that has been forsaken inour modern madhouse is Moderation. My wise and wonderful mother bequeathed me a valuable aphorism in my early teens when she advised, “Enough is good, but more than enough can be bad.” She counseled that the vices that could spring from this were Greed and Covetousness.

As I voyage through Life, trying to examine and understand the world, I have concluded that the unrestrained lust for stuff severely damages not just individuals but entire societies. Let’s stay on the Covid Narrative as we examine this.

A doctor working in a small, local clinic will lead a comfortable and fulfilling life. He will mostly be his own boss, have a family with an at-home mother for their children, have a lovely house, a nice car and be respected in his community.

Whereas, a doctor, who is a captive of a major medical conglomerate, will make much more money, but the ethical debasement will be massive. He/she will fatten their bank account through deceit.

They will advocate for PCR tests that are so useless that the man who invented them insisted that they should never be used as a diagnostic tool. In order to keep the Covid fatality rate preposterously inflated, they will classify motorcycle crashes as Wuflu deaths. And due to coercion from hospital administrators, they will not allow their patients to receive highly successful but low-priced medicines such as Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine.

Instead, they will accept the very generous payoffs provided by Big Pharma to recommend experimental, poorly-tested “vaccines” that they know are neither safe nor effective. And even after they witness the prime-of-their life recently-vaxxed athletes dropping dead on soccer fields all around the world, they still encourage people to get booster shots.

In our morally poisoned world, where greed is good and excess is worshiped, the doctor achieving moderate wealth will be considered a fool, whereas the

greedy “health care professional” driving his gleaming Lamborghini will be perceived as cool. Vulgarity vanquishes Virtue.



Now, as I sit here gazing out at Long View Bay with my back against my mast, I am struck by a sobering realization. Paradoxically, it brings me both sadness and solace.

On the one hand, I realize that most of Humanity has tragically and irretrievably lost its moral compass. And so it is destined to crash upon the jagged and uncaring rocks of nihilism and societal collapse.

But on the other hand, I recognize that the answer is no longer to fight The System, but to deflect away from it. So my thoughts turn to my Sea Gypsy Tribe. But not in an abstract, theoretical way … instead, in a very personal way.

I see our strong and well-prepared ocean sailing boats. I see our embrace of “The Old Ways” … fishing, archery, foraging and celestial navigation. I see the healthy bodies and smiling faces of the kids and their parents in our Tribe.

But even more clearly … like sun dissolving fog … I can see our future voyage. It will take us not just to survival and freedom, but to a world that still cherishes Tradition and Virtue.