Thursday, April 11, 2024



by Ray Jason



Life is a voyage. For both the Individual and Society, there will be times of serene sailing and smooth seas, and times of terrifying winds and troubled waters.

Since the very beginning of my Sea Gypsy days, nearly FORTY years ago, I have approached every new expedition out onto The Wide Waters deliberately and cautiously. I would carefully evaluate the risks versus the rewards.


In this essay, I will use that same measured approach to examine the current storm-wracked Voyage of Western Civilization, to see if there are any light-houses of Hope amid the raging wind and waves.


History has largely been a blood-drenched cavalcade of Tyrants, Conquerors and En-slavers. Might made Right. The Few ruled the Many.

Then about 250 years ago the tide turned dramatically. Individual rights and representative government became a reality. Suddenly, normal people – the little people – had a much greater say in their own destinies.

Unfortunately, there is a small fraction of our species who have a pathological desire to control others. Fortunately, these power junkies had their influence significantly reduced for more than two centuries thanks to democracy and property rights and the rule of law.

But they have re-emerged. And their vision of the human future is far more diabolical than previous psychopaths. It is also more insidious and clever.

Instead of using militaristic brute force, they are using secrecy and deception. They have replaced armies and generals with organizations and billionaires. Who needs hydrogen bombs, when you have hedge funds?

Their goal is enormous and diabolical. They want to convert Earth into a High-tech Slave Planet. It would be reduced to three classes of people.

The self-proclaimed Ruling Elite, who I prefer to call our Malignant Overlords, would wallow in obscene luxury and degeneracy. A small administrative and security class would experience modest comfort. And a large slave class, would do the dirty, muscular work, while crammed into huge, filthy, dangerous cities, eating Cream of Insect soup.

Or to put it another way, “They” wish to impose a Hunger Games society on all of us. And because of technological advances, they have the ability to do so.

The three pillars of their control pantheon are a Digital I.D.s, CBDCs and a Social Credit Score.

I recently did a Good Samaritan trip with a sailor who needed medical aid. On my return flight, the airline asked all of us to allow a facial scan as we were boarding the flight.

Forty people ahead of me sheepishly allowed themselves to be tagged like … sheep. I declined politely. Then the surly desk attendant gleefully told me that “soon it would be mandatory.”

While this enslavement technology is being rolled out, the Malignant Overlords are also steadily advancing their CBDCs. This stands for Central Bank Digital Currencies. These might as well be cyber leg irons, since their impact will be that severe.

This would allow them to track everything you buy and the location of each transaction. They could accept some purchases and decline others. Meaning that they could force you to eat kale instead of beef. And if you disagree with their agenda, you could have your account frozen. If you think this is an exaggeration, you have obviously forgotten about the Canadian truckers.

For those who think that a Social Credit Score is paranoid hyperbole, you might want to research China, which has managed to impose this on the largest national population on Earth.

A more accurate description is the Social Obedience Score. Minor offenses against the will of the State, will make your life more difficult. Major offenses will make your life miserable. And who knows where really serious offenses lead?


I believe that both individual and national freedom are in great danger all around the world. We are aboard a damaged ship, battered and lost in the troubled waters of advancing Totalitarianism.

Many onboard don’t even realize the peril we face. Many are so gripped with fear that they have become catatonic and useless. But a few realize that every tempest does pass. So they search the stormy sea looking for a light-house and its beacon of Hope. And that pillar of light IS out there.

There is the beam of Tucker Carlson, who was thrown overboard by FOX News. He swam to shore, and can now speak his mind more openly. Plus, his podcasts generate about 10 times more views than even the most popular news show on Mainstream Media.

Vaccine hesitancy is another gleam piercing the darkness. The truth, about the horrific results of the Fauci Ouchi, circulated so widely on the internet that hardly anyone is getting booster shots. Those who still do can easily be spotted since they continue wearing their Covid masks while driving alone in their Karen-mobiles.

Shining across the turbulent seas of Europe, is the glow of tractor lights and farmers’ torches as they form a turbo-vanguard against the pathological plan to decrease food production and force them off their land. The sheer hulking size of these men along with their fierce determination and perhaps their manure cannons, have already won solid victories.

Also a beacon overseas are the victories by anti-immigration political parties. Ordinary citizens have had enough multi-cultural lunacy. Unlike those at the top who dictate these policies, the common folk know the actual consequences. They have to live with the crime, the filthy sidewalks and the “No go zones.”

Finally, this is my personal favorite gleam of hope, even as the winds howl and the waves crash. It is the fact that if someone utters the words “Big Mike,” a whole lot of people in a whole lot of places will know exactly what that means.