Monday, January 1, 2024


by Ray Jason



My quest was simple. I wanted to figure out “How the world really works.” Even as I began this task, I recognized that it was probably impossible.

Take, for example, the two most monumental events that had occurred during my lifetime – the murder of JFK and the attack on 911. These were indisputable turning points in human history. The world was different the next day.

Given the magnitude of these horrors, one would expect an enormous effort to discover what had actually happened. But those who should have been searching for the Truth, were erecting a barricade of Lies. Instead of honesty, we got “magic bullets” and “box cutters.”


I was well-equipped for my quest, which began in June of 2013, when I launched my Sea Gypsy Philosopher blog. My long-ago college degree was in Political Science and that study was turbo-charged by the fact that I was on a full debate scholarship.

This meant that I spent dozens of weekends each year traveling the country and competing against some of the finest students in the USA. High-level collegiate debating requires top-notch research skills and the ability to speak clearly and persuasively.

My education, combined with my youthful (and misplaced) Idealism, made politics seem like my natural destination. But then they started gunning down my heroes. The murders of JFK, RFK and MLK hit me like a hemlock-tipped arrow.

When these men were assassinated, I questioned whether profound change could ever be achieved through traditional political systems. If WE can vote them in, but THEY can shoot them down, is there any real “Will of the People?”

During that decade, we were relentlessly spoon-fed “lone gunman” explanations by the Huntleys, Brinkleys and Cronkites of that era. So, it never occurred to me that perhaps there were hidden forces above them, who master-minded the murders because these martyred leaders were an existential threat to their wealth and power.

These send-a-message killings, that were screaming “DO NOT CROSS CERTAIN LINES,” had me emotionally and intellectually on the ropes. But Vietnam was the knock-out blow that completely altered the direction of my life.

I was drafted and ended up in Vietnam on an ammunition ship. Admittedly, I had it easy compared to the men suffering in the steaming jungle, who had to kill or be killed. But my experience was still traumatic, and it convinced me that governments, and the wars they incite, should be scorned and opposed.

So, when I was discharged in San Francisco, I renounced my previous political inclinations, and looked for a job that would NOT contribute to the Military-Industrial-Complex. I could not find such a job, so I made one up.

Utilizing my Poly Sci degree to its max, I became a San Francisco street juggler. This was in the very beginning of the San Francisco busking scene, and there were musicians, mimes and assorted merry-makers. But there were no jugglers! It was a skill I had picked up as a fun hobby when I was a teenager.

My initial efforts were amateurish but heartfelt. Eventually, I figured it out, and worked hard to put together a humorous and skillful act. I truly loved it. Those first generation buskers became revered in our city. In fact, the mayor declared 17 July 1981 as Ray Jason Day in San Francisco. Some of you reading this probably saw my show. I was usually described as “that guy who juggles bowling balls.” Here is a reminder.



I relished that contrary-to-ordinary life for over 20 years, but steadily and sadly, it changed. The next generation of buskers viewed the streets merely as a way to get to THE BIG TIME. They did not appreciate the centuries-old tradition of the itinerant entertainer gathering a crowd and dazzling them with hard-earned skill. Instead, they saw it as their ticket to Las Vegas or Sitcoms or Hollywood. So, I walked away from that once magical scene, even though I was still considered one of the very best.

Actually, I sailed away. I managed to save enough money to buy a modest but strong and beautiful sailboat. I named her AVENTURA, which is the Spanish word for Adventure. So, off I went to convert that noun into reality. From 1992 to this very minute she has been my magic carpet - transporting me to far flung lands that are plush with exotic creatures and cultures.



Most of my voyaging has been done alone. This does not trouble me – it pleases me - since it bequeaths me long stretches of contemplative solitude. Slowly sailing across the Wide Waters, has helped me ponder the Big Questions. Out here life is so elemental. The waves glide or crash, the winds caress or shriek. And the impact of humans on our wet, whirling planet seems laughably PUNY.

But even though our actions are inconsequential when pitted against typhoons and tsunamis, they ARE consequential in the realm of human affairs. This leads me back to the original question from the beginning of this essay: “How does the world really work?”


In the ten years of writing my blog and striving to answer that question, I have made some modest progress. So, to mark this first decade of my personal Voyage to Understanding, I have decided to create a “Summing Up” essay.

Admittedly, I have not solved any great geopolitical riddles. But perhaps I have decoded enough that I can guide some folks out there who recognize that something is profoundly wrong, but can’t quite figure out what it is.

The reason the answers evade you, is because those who are in control, who I gleefully call our Malignant Overlords, deliberately cloak their goals and actions in Secrecy and Deceit. The Covid psychological operation is an excellent example of this. Almost everything that they told us about the WuFlu was a deliberate LIE.

They knew that it only had the fatality rate of a bad flu. They knew it did not originate in a bat-soup buffet. They knew that masks and social distancing were useless as health tactics. However, they also knew that they were extremely valuable as methods for determining just how docile the human herd is.

They knew that putting elderly patients on ventilators would probably kill them. They knew that ivermectin would probably cure them. And yet they withheld these affordable treatments.

Quite a few of us argued that the phony epidemic was not their end game. Their real goal was to vaccinate anyone foolish enough to believe their scare tactics. But they were not content with voluntary acceptance of their injections. Essentially, they forced it on most of the world.

Pilots, medical workers, policemen, the military and pretty much everyone else, were given the choice of taking the jab or losing their job. Tragically, it is now clear that these shots were useless, dangerous and deadly.

Most people believe that, those who were pushing the Covid PsyOp, such as Fauci, Gates, Tedros, and Bourla, were just confused and misguided. But I argue that their malevolence was deliberate. In 2013 I would not have done so, but now that I have studied their statements and actions for 10 years, I firmly believe that they plotted this with “malice aforethought!”


The Covid deception is certainly a good example of how those at the top of the Power Pyramid behave, but now I’d like to broaden the discussion. Ten years of research and reflection have convinced me that most people have no desire to control others. However, there is a tiny sliver of society who demonically crave such dominance. This might provide some clarity:

1% of the population want to rule the world.

4% of the people assist them in doing so.

90% of the world mindlessly allow them to do this.

5% try to save the 90% from these Power Freaks.

These control junkies gravitate towards fields where they can force their will upon many many others. So you find them in Politics, Banking, Media, Hedge Funds, the Military Industrial Complex, Social Media, Academia, Intelligence Agencies, NGOs, Health Care, etc.

Yes, they are driven by a lust for money and power. But that has been common ever since the beginning of Big A Agriculture, which brought us societies organized under the control of Big Government and Big Religion. So, instead of the whole Tribe flourishing or failing together, the population became stratified into Rulers and Ruled, Haves and Have-Nots.

For thousands of years the most demonic people in many cultures have tried to claw their way to the top. Fortunately, even though many of these tyrants dreamed of “conquering the world” they did not have the means to do so.

That has changed … dramatically. The most sinister of the global power junkies have adopted a new strategy. The traditional method of a single nation accumulating enough power to rule over many others, has been abandoned. Instead, the Malignant Overlords are relentlessly and ruthlessly advancing a secret master plan.

They are striving to radically diminish the power of all nations. Instead, they will install a World Government. They call it their beloved New World Order. No, this is not some bizarre delusion spread by crazed conspiracy theorists. In fact, here is a brief video compilation of extremely powerful people boldly admitting it.

But it is obvious not just in their words but in their actions. Look calmly and carefully at the evolution of power centers in recent decades. Have they been trending towards more local control or towards more international dominance?

The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, NATO, the World Health Organization and the biggest and blackest of them all, The United Nations, are all examples of this indisputable trend. These institutions wield gargantuan power. And more importantly, they are run by un-elected and largely unaccountable bureaucrats.

Once a person realizes that national leaders are merely the puppets for a malicious behind-the-scenes power, the seemingly insane actions of politicians start to make sense.

If a leader claims to be serving his countrymen, but is secretly trying to usher in a World Government, then opening the border and enabling a no-shots-fired invasion makes complete sense.

If you want to confuse people so that they will become mindless serfs, then you saturate their brains with social media programming. You bombard them with so much lunatic garbage that they lose their intellectual and emotional balance. Here are a few examples:

Men can chest feed babies. Diversity is our strength despite most of human history proving homogeneous populations do best. Cow farts will destroy the planet yet that giant flaming ball in the sky has little impact on climate. The secret to free elections is banning certain people from the ballot.

So why would national leaders, who already have great wealth and power, submit to those behind the curtain? There are two likely reasons. First, they are told that world government is inevitable and they can either be a part of the new power structure or they can be rolled over by it. Or second, the puppeteers have toxic material – perhaps some Epstein evidence - that gives them supreme leverage.


So, now that I have tried for a decade to answer the “How does the world really work?” question, where do I think we are headed? My answer is grim, but honesty is vital if we are to avoid the dystopian future that they are preparing for us.

They want to install a World Government, with a greatly reduced population, that is barely scraping by on a High-Tech Slave Planet.

They can already track where almost everyone is on Earth through their smart phones. They will greatly enhance their surveillance capabilities with a mandatory universal Digital ID that will include bio-metric information that cannot be falsified.

They will force every one into a Central Bank Digital Currency. This is a control freak’s wet dream. With it they can automatically deduct taxes, monitor what you are buying, force you to spend your money by a certain time and only purchase approved items. Plus, if you are deemed an Enemy of the New World Order, they can just vaporize your digital money.

The Slave Class will be herded into 15-minute cities and be forced to live in tiny pods. They will be limited to bug protein or vegetable goo. Eventually, their food source will probably shift to Soylent Green. Private homes and cars will be distant memories.

Meanwhile, the Ruling Class will live in obscene luxury. Their Enabling Class of technicians, servants and security will have tolerable conditions. But these will be inferior to what an ordinary middle-class family of the late 20th century experienced.


My goal with this Summing Up was to jolt as many people as possible. If Humanity does not understand what a bleak and joyless future is being engineered for us, how can we possibly fight against it? Or to express it in a more assertive way – once Humanity realizes what is planned for us, how can we not fight against it!

In Part 2 of ONE MAN’S QUEST I will discuss this further.