Saturday, April 23, 2022



by Ray Jason




In Part 1, I met the Captain of a Tall Ship who had lost his onboard teacher for a couple of weeks due to Covid quarantine. Coincidentally, he was a fan of my unconventional Blog, and we agreed that I would be his substitute teacher for a while. This is my second lecture to the kids, who are about 16 years old.

Good morning students and shipmates. I deliberately used the term “shipmates” because even though I am not an actual crew-member on the HENRY DAVID THOREAU, I am “one of you.”

That’s because we share an extraordinary bond. We have all savored the Big Ocean - or what I like to call the Wide Waters. When you are alone on a night watch, I suspect that you have been dazzled by how vast and gorgeous the Sea is. And perhaps you were also a bit frightened by how uncaring it is.

It is the dominant feature of our planet - taking up around 70% of its surface. And it is so interconnected, that waves that lap the shores of Panama may one day break on the beaches of Polynesia.  


Most landsmen never get to experience anything so enormous and elemental. Nor will they ever know the stillness and solitude that you experience while steering your ship by the stars.

Ah, the stars. Out here, away from the incandescent light fog of the cities, the true majesty of our universe can be seen … and felt. It can be startling the first time you witness just how full the sky dome is with stars and planets. And when pondering that crowded cosmos, it is even more astonishing when you realize that almost all of those celestial bodies are lifeless.

And yet our little planet Earth, the “Pale Blue Dot” as Carl Sagan described it, overflows with an amazing cornucopia of life forms and powerful natural forces. Creatures as different as the hummingbird and the hippopotamus flourish in their environmental niches. And enormous phenomena such as tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes assert themselves periodically.

Amidst a million stars that are too hot or too cold, little Earth spins and drifts with her magnificent tapestry of Life. This is such a glorious miracle, that we humans, who are the most intelligent and powerful inhabitant, should cherish our momentous good fortune and strive to be wise stewards of our planet.  But do we? Ha, the answer would be laughable, if it was not so tragic.

We dedicate ourselves to developing more vicious weapons of war rather than finding ways to feed the hungry. Hyper-sonic missiles is the latest example of this.

Our cultural institutions encourage insatiable Greed rather than a balanced life of basic comfort and meaningful pursuits beyond wealth. And so a tiny sliver of humanity waddles in obscene splendor, gluttony and degeneracy, while billions struggle to feed their families.

We assault the vital mega-systems of the planet by polluting our rivers, stripping the topsoil from our fields and over-fishing the seas. But instead of focusing on these visible, measurable emergencies, we distract ourselves with the mythical “human-induced Climate Change.” This CO2 Cult has almost nothing to do with Conservation - and everything to do with Control.

Looking at the sad imprint that homo sapiens makes on the Earth, one might conclude that we are just a flawed and hopeless species. But I am standing in front of you, my shipmates, to argue that we are not evil and we are not doomed.

I believe, in my heart of hearts, that the great majority of human beings are decent people. Their needs are minimal and sensible. They seek the basics of food, water and shelter along with some leisure time and the freedom to enjoy it.

Hopefully, this is provided by a job that is at least marginally meaningful. They seek a future for their families that is hallmarked by health and security. These are reasonable desires and our planet is abundant enough to provide these things.

But there is a tiny subset of humanity that seems to be wired differently from the large, decent majority. Choose your favorite word to describe them. You could call them sociopaths, psychopaths or perhaps pathological. I describe them as our Malignant Overlords.

These deviants do not just desire a comfortable and fulfilling life. They crave CONTROL OVER OTHERS. They are power junkies strung out on the need to dominate. And so they gravitate to societal niches where they can feed their addiction.

You will find them in banking, politics, media, hedge funds, corporations, and supra-national organizations like the World Economic Forum, the U.N. and the W.H.O. Their newest perverse playground is Big Tech, where they have become information czars, blocking the free interchange of differing opinions. Some people refer to them as The Deep State or the New World Order. I call them – The Enemy.

My duty as a thinker, writer and substitute teacher, is to make you aware of their existence and their goals. And then, hopefully, I can inspire you to resist them and defeat them.

As a starting point I will cite a great aphorism from Walt Whitman, the extraordinary poet, who was also a friend of Thoreau’s. His advice was simple and exquisite:

“Question much and obey little!”

The main weapons that the Malignant Overlords use in their quest to rule over humanity are Deception and Fear. Because they are not constrained by human empathy, they can stand in front of their podiums and teleprompters and lie to you without feeling any guilt whatsoever. And so they will tell you whatever they believe will advance their agenda.

They will claim that their Great Reset/Build Back Better program is for the benefit of “the People.” But in actuality it is for the ENSLAVEMENT of “the People.” They desire a two-tiered society with themselves IN CONTROL and everyone else UNDER CONTROL.

As Henry Kissinger, one of the architects and arch-villains in this assault on freedom once said:

Who controls the food supply, controls the People.”

So let’s examine what is happening to the food delivery service in our home country at this very moment. Inflation is higher than it has been in 40 years. This means that poorer people will have their choices greatly reduced because they cannot afford the more expensive prices.

Most food is delivered by truck, and fuel costs are rising at a dangerous rate. So drivers will be forced to park their trucks which means less supply to the supermarkets, and thus higher prices.

A new outbreak of Bird Flu is spreading across the country. This causes millions of chickens to be destroyed rather than being on the table to eat. Given how untrustworthy the health “experts” were during the Covid Scamdemic, how can we believe these officials now?

And suddenly, a very unexpected threat to the food supply has arisen. Enormous food warehouses all over the country are bursting into flames. About 20 such suspicious fires have been started in the last few months. Note that I used the term “been started” which infers that deliberate arson might have been the cause.

All of these factors combine into a catastrophe that plays perfectly into the hands of the Malignant Overlords. As I mentioned earlier, besides Deception, their other main weapon is FEAR.

A hungry population is an angry population. But instead of turning on their rulers, they tend to turn against each other. Thus, the centuries-old “divide and conquer” strategy is initiated again.

So tragically, the food riots will lead to even more control by the people who actually caused the shortages with their monetary policy, their pipeline closures, their phantom Bird Flu and their sabotage.

Although this probably seems like seriously bad news, I am afraid that it gets much worse. These ruthless power freaks seek control over every aspect of your lives, whether it is money or medicine or media. And they have been clandestinely building their web of enslavement for over 100 years.

However, because I can see Captain Andy in the back of the room looking a little nervous, and because I don’t want to walk the plank, I’ll end my comments here. So let’s take a 5 minute break and then you can ask me any questions that you would like.