Sunday, October 31, 2021


by Ray Jason

Can we talk? Can I lay a little hard love on you? It is becoming absolutely vital for you to cast off the chains of Thanatophobia. That is the term used in psychology to describe excessive fear of death.

Ever since we humans evolved (some would argue that we “devolved”) from our mostly egalitarian Hunter/Gatherer lifestyle into Civilization, we have suffered under an endless parade of tyrants. The main weapon that they use to enslave us is the fear of Thanatos or Death.

Toil in my fields,” they insist, “or you will have no bread for your table.” “Send your sons to fight my wars,” they command, “or you will be over-run by barbarians.”

It took several thousand years to finally destroy the dominant paradigm under which the rulers crushed the little people. This was achieved through The Rule of Law and through the concept of Self-Government via elected leaders.


Since the late 18th Century, when the United States led much of the world to a new dawn of liberty, several genocidal dictators still sought to strangle those hard-earned freedoms. Fortunately, the territories and populations that they overwhelmed were merely regional, and could be defeated by armed and courageous forces.

However, today’s control addicts, who I like to call our Malignant Overlords, seek GLOBAL dominance. And developments in Technology are giving them the tools to accomplish their hideous goals. They wish to transform us back into Neo-serfs; and this perverse desire seems both achievable and imminent.

To illustrate this, I will quote the revered Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, who counsels, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Considering our current situation, this aphorism is both wise and deeply ironic.

That is because China is the undisputed world champion in suppressing its people. Their model, in which the Almighty State has complete power over every detail of a person’s life, is the same system that the M.O.s intend to establish worldwide.

They plan to achieve this through a digital currency that allows them to monitor and even shut down your bank account.

You will also be enslaved by a social credit score that will determine what activities you can enjoy based on how obedient and compliant you are to the commands of their global government.

You will be tracked and traced 24/7 either through your mandatory SmartPhone or an RFID chip under your skin. Their inescapable surveillance system will make Resistance nearly impossible (except for my Sea Gypsy Tribes.)

Their vaccine passports will extend their centuries- old divide and conquer strategy into an entirely new realm as they try to play off the vaccinated against the Pure Bloods.

It is all leading to a despicable and dystopian future where the average person will “own nothing and be happy” (or else be sent to a re-education camp.) The Malignant Overlords openly state this in their own promo materials.



This glimpse at what I believe is the near future control grid that is being relentlessly woven around us, brings me back to the opening paragraph of this essay. What is their foundational control mechanism over Humanity? It is Thanatophobia or Fear of Death.

But I submit to you that if you investigate it a little more deeply, this terrifying menace is actually a paper tiger. Let’s start with the indisputable fact that the old “Why me?” complaint does not apply. That’s because nobody gets out alive. We will all go through it. And what about the pain element? My sense is that the best way to describe the reality of death is The Big Sleep. You are eternally unconscious and thus forever free of pain. As for possible agony that might precede death, for most people that is not likely due to modern medicine.

To summarize, dying is something we will all have to endure. Our departure will probably be painless. And we will feel nothing after death. So why do we allow the Malignant Overlords to terrify us and herd us like sheep with this over-exaggerated fear?

Since the Grim Reaper comes for us all, why not fight on our feet like free men, rather than tremble on our knees like slaves?