Wednesday, November 18, 2020



by Ray Jason


If you have not read Chapter One, you should probably scroll down and do so.


      A sailor, who I greatly admired, once complimented me by saying that I was “a bridge back to the Old Ways.” He meant that although I was proficient with modern electronic navigation, I still knew the forgotten skills of coastal piloting and celestial navigation. He was also impressed by my knack of predicting approaching weather conditions, by reading the winds and the waves - just like the old timers.

       There were a few reasons for why I mastered these techniques. Out here, where my only neighbors live in the Sea and the Sky, everything is so much more elemental. My belief is, that the screens and the satellites that seem so permanent to us nowadays, are actually quite fragile and vulnerable. So, if I learned those Old Ways, I could continue my ultra-free life as an ocean strider.

       I also took the time to learn them because it seems to me that we no longer value good, old-fashioned effort. You can’t learn these skills by punching up an app. You need dedication and determination. But the resultant joy of fulfillment is excellent, and well worth that mental exertion. Finding a tiny dot of land in an eternity of ocean, using just my sextant and the Sky Dome, is a sublime pleasure.

       Redundancy was my final reason for spending all those hours with the books and the instruments. One lightning strike, and those fancy electronic navigation devices can be vaporized with a gruesome sizzle. If there was an EMP strike or a deliberate sabotage of the GPS stations, these catastrophes would not keep me from wandering the Wide Waters.




       I mention these things because I was equally cautious when appraising where our un-elected Rulers were steering global society. How would I know when these Malignant Overlords were lying to us? Simple enough – when their lips were moving.

       The frenzy that swirled around the attempt to steal the 2020 election in the U.S., provided perfect cover for the steady roll-out of The Great Reset. With so much attention focused on voter fraud, the vaccines for the Hologram Plague, suddenly appeared.

       Many of us, who were lookouts on the World Wide Watchtowers, had warned that these vaxxes would be made mandatory. We predicted that initially they would be described as voluntary - even though the consequences of not taking them actually rendered them mandatory.

       For example, you needn’t take the needle, but you wouldn’t be able to travel or go to school or attend a concert or use your food stamps for groceries. But even the most conspiracy-minded among us, did not foresee that from the very outset they would utilize the military to “distribute” the injections. This added significantly to the pressure to “just roll up your sleeve and take it.”

       Making this demand even more diabolical was the fact that from the outset, the injectors had warned the injectees that booster shots would be necessary at frequent intervals.



       Back in post-election and pre-decision 2020, when the global fear factor was accelerated using “case numbers” rather than death numbers, there was one researcher who influenced me more than anyone else. His name is/was Jon Rappoport.

       He had dedicated his life to exposing the misdeeds of Big Pharma and Big Medicine. The reward that he received for doing this, was vicious and endless ridicule. I wonder if he is still alive, and if so, whether he is being “re-educated” in a gulag somewhere.

       He laid out with superb clarity the perfection of the system that they were installing. There was a perverse brilliance in their strategy. Because the Wuhan Virus had never actually been established as a true and new corona virus, then the claim that someone was suffering from it, could be much more … fluid.

       With absolutely no sense of remorse, they decided to use the PCR test. Why is this so ironic? Because the Nobel Prize winning creator of the test, said that it should not be utilized for virus detection. Good luck finding that information in the Legacy Media.

       The great advantage of this particular diagnostic tool, was that it could be manipulated to produce an immense number of false positives that would inflate the tally of cases. Thus, you had a disease (the Hologram Plague) that was so elusive that people had to learn that they had it from a medical procedure. They felt fine and had no symptoms, but tests don’t lie – except when they DO lie.

       Back in 2020, I was unable to determine whether the Malignant Overlords, pushing their Great Reset, just swiftly piggy-backed onto the Wuhan Virus or whether they actually released it. Back in those days there was only no information or misinformation. But, boy, was there a tsunami of propaganda.

       As Rappoport had taught me, they had so many ways that they could manipulate the data. If they wanted to bring in more lock-downs, they could increase the testing, which would produce more cases. Most of these were not actual infections or actual sick people, but that didn’t matter. Because the people in the white coats and the people on TV told us that we should be terrified by these statistics.

       Then they could mandate the vaccines. When they did this, they could secretly decrease the testing so that the cases would go down. This gave the appearance that the vaccines were working even if they were not. And should the anti-vaxxers prove correct; and people start dying from side effects, the lab coat parrots would just blame it on a new strain of the virus - thus requiring a new vaccine.

       The entire system was the perfect con. They could spin every outcome to their advantage. This meant that regular, decent people, who just wanted to enjoy their modest lives and not bother anyone, were forced to play Russian roulette with their hopes and dreams and futures. Except that the revolver that the elites handed to them … had a bullet in every chamber.

       Here are six bullets that awaited them. Repeated lock-downs, devastated mom and pop businesses, total censoring of anyone who questioned the medical tyranny, universal basic income leading to total dependency on the State, a cashless society with all transactions monitored and a surveillance grid so extreme that it made George Orwell look like Mr. Rogers. Even though it was promoted as a Utopian Dream, it was only dreamy for the rulers. It was a nightmare for the rest of us.


       But, let me take a break from these political recollections, and share with you some details of what it took for me to voyage from The Great Canal to my Blue Water Monastery. My sanctuary, here at Bikini Atoll, was over 7,000 miles west of the Panama Canal. Unfortunately, most of those miles had to be sailed along the Equator. Further north are the miraculous Trade Winds, that for centuries were worshiped by sailors because of their reliable, medium-strength wind velocity.

       However, when following the Equator, the conditions are far more uncertain and dangerous. Both wind strength and direction are extremely unpredictable. These difficulties are made even worse by the frequency of hellish, electrical storms. My mast is the only metal object in any direction for hundreds of miles in such tempests. So the fear of a lightning strike is real and severe.



       Before I began the challenge of battling the equatorial fury of the squalls and lightning, I had to change oceans. For years, I had been contentedly languishing in an almost undiscovered corner of the Caribbean tha,t I had dubbed The Archipelago of Bliss. This Central American hideaway provided me all of the essentials that I needed to enjoy a meaningful life.

       There were hundreds of coves where I could anchor AVENTURA and be by myself. Such separation is important for a contemplative person. Solitude does not bother me, it inspires me.

       The archipelago also fulfilled my important need to live directly. I had observed that much of humanity had been seduced into living through their screens. It became so damaging that they started believing their “devices” more than they trusted their own eyes and instincts and knowledge. This was an enormous mistake that allowed them to be easily enslaved in the High-Tech Neo-Feudalism that awaited them.

       When I did desire to socialize there was an excellent marina where I could be closer to my fellow sailors. The nearby town provided plenty of supplies and diversions. It also pleased me because it was genuine rather than gentrified.

       There was another advantage to this modest little paradise. It was close to the Panama Canal. In order to sail to my special place – the place where no one else would go – I needed to be in the Pacific Ocean.

       Non-commercial traffic through the Canal was the lowest priority. So once I arrived there, it would probably be a couple of weeks until I could get through. And if I delayed too long, there was a chance that they would close it to non-essential traffic.

       This meant that I would need to dash for the Canal too early rather than too late. In the next chapter, I will tell you what geopolitical event convinced me that if I did not escape now, I might never be able to do so.